Registration is now open!
Yes, we had planned to have this year’s IUFRO EKE in the beautiful North Carolina mountains however international travel has still been slow to return to normal. The IUFRO leadership team though is excited to work with North Carolina State Extension Service experts to host a virtual meeting for your professional development interests. The conference theme continues to be “Knowledge Exchange for the Modern Era: Empowering People / Providing Solutions”. Extension plays a key role in empowering individuals and communities to take action. This virtual conference conducted over three sessions celebrates the successes of what we do every day in our Extension lives. The conference offers opportunities to learn from each other and build strong partnerships from local to international.
Click Here for more information on the proposed agenda and to register.
2022 IUFRO EKE Conference Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts
The Extension and Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Working Party invites your submission of an abstract for the conference to be held virtually on Tuesdays, April 26, May 3, and May 10, 2022 via Zoom from 13:00-15:30 EDT USA. The conference theme is Knowledge Exchange for the Modern Era: Empowering People / Providing Solutions. Abstracts will be accepted for either 20 minute oral presentations or 5 minute ‘Lightning’ round talks.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Deadline for abstract submission is 24:00 EDT USA on March 16, 2022. Presenters will be notified by April 1, 2022 if their abstract is accepted. The official language is English.
All abstracts have to be submitted online. Abstracts submitted by post, fax or mail cannot be accepted.
Please have the following information ready when you submit your proposal:
- Contact information for presenter
- List of co-author names and affiliations (if applicable)
- Title of presentation (*first word capitalized only)
- Abstract (1600 characters or less)
- Presentation format preference
Click Here to submit an abstract.